Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's a 10. In or out?

I did a 10 day trial on this highly coveted yet expencive hair product, and just to see how it goes I took pictures!! In advance most of these pictures are taken in my pj shirt! Not a shirt I wear all day every day hahaha. 
Day one:
Day two:
Day three:
(Do you already see the difference?!)
Day four:
Day 5:
Day six:
Day seven:
Day eight:
Day nine:
Day ten:
Um. I was not expecting to love this product as much as I do! It's truly worth the hype and the $20 bucks! Yes it's expencive, but something that actually works?! Can you really put a price on that?! I think not. I mean... I HAVE LESS SPLIT ENDS! I CAN RUN MY FINGERS THROUGH MY HAIR WITHOUT EVEN A TANGLE! This stuff is literally magic! 
The easiest place to purchase it is walgreens.'s-a-10-miracle-leave-in-product/ID=prod6001756-product
You can use that link for online or just hop right into the hair section at your local store! 
And now just like every beauty guru ever... YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO BUY THIS STUFF! 
Hahaha. Thank you so much for reading! Love you all and I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful weekend and have a beautiful tomorrow. 

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